It’s amazing that we can send and receive images on our phones. The idea blows my mind.

Contrary to what that might lead you to believe, I’m not 90 years old, nor have I just been transported here from 1985. I simply have very vivid memories of life before smartphones (…and many viewings of Back to the Future under my belt; but who doesn’t?). Four years ago, I was still making the most of my 100 texts a month and hauling around a DSLR to capture memories. Now, I can receive Snaps of random cats my friends encounter and photos of my cousin in his cub scout uniform and blurry pictures (so many) of my dad’s Lunar New Year feast. It’s lovely to think of someone taking time out of their day to share an exciting moment with you. Isn’t it? Just something I’ve been appreciating lately.


On to the reason we’re here: there were lots of positions submitted to the Jobs Board last week. Check them out!



View past listings on the Jobs Board or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, submitting is quick and free for DLF member affiliates.


Have a good rest of the week,



Becca Quon

Program Associate for Advancement and Awards
The Digital Library Federation

1707 L Street Ste 650, Washington, D.C. 20036 |


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