

Dear ToS WG members,


As the subgroups start to get underway, I wanted to share some resources that Bethany Nowviskie (our fearless DLF leader) sent to me back when we were just beginning to form this group. She generously donated our name, in fact, from several of her writings – all of which are relevant to this group’s work. In an attempt to bring our focused work into larger context, I wanted to share those resources with you.


DLF Statement:


Essays: and


One of Bethany’s many gifts is in illustrating the interconnectedness of behaviors, environments, and ways of knowing. I hope you find these readings helpful as we consider the broader contexts that the work of this group can inhabit.


Shea and I are looking forward to the kick-off meetings for the subgroups. You can still add your name to a group or contact the subgroup leader for more information!





Yasmeen Shorish

Data Services Coordinator, Assoc. Professor

Rose Library 2309

James Madison University


ORCID: 0000-0002-4155-8241 


I observe email free evenings and weekends.


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