Hello, At the end of our last meeting we decided to set up a poll to set our next meeting date and time. Don’t despair, it’s not Doodle! Please visit http://whenisgood.net/4khk2w3 and paint over the times that you would be available to join in the Working Group meeting. The timezones *should* update automatically, but do double-check. Please respond by May 11. Thank you! Yasmeen & Shea -- Yasmeen Shorish Data Services Coordinator, Assoc. Professor Rose Library 2309 James Madison University 540.568.4288 ORCID: 0000-0002-4155-8241 http://works.bepress.com/yasmeen_shorish/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__works.bepress.com_yasmeen-5Fshorish_&d=DwMGaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=TkWm5-BITfd1ajk2ZCG2Yw&m=Of9iVRvg4FPd8oDGHxo0LrGjV-Zr6YuvsxKF_RuSYyc&s=aEH4pwe_Z0LcC2u9-A1yl0t5DxOIdc38GwP8UeGDDOE&e=> http://www.lib.jmu.edu/yasmeen I observe email free evenings and weekends. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the DLF-SURVEILLANCE-TECH list, click the following link: https://lists.clir.org/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=DLF-SURVEILLANCE-TECH