Happy Monday everyone, Just a quick note to say the Infrastructure Interest Group calls are moving from UberConference to Zoom. New connection details are below. The agenda/notes doc has been updated and the web page should be updated by the end of the day. Now that we're using Zoom, it might be nice to start recording our calls and making the recording available for those unable to attend. * The NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group meets the third Monday of each month at three pm. * This Google Doc contains agendas and notes from meetings held in 2018 and can be bookmarked with this link [ https://goo.gl/9qLXdq | https://goo.gl/9qLXdq ] . * Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: [ https://clirdlf.zoom.us/j/745482656 | https://clirdlf.zoom.us/j/745482656 ] * US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 740 3766 * Meeting ID: 745 482 656 * International numbers available: [ https://zoom.us/u/cPpLHpqKX | https://zoom.us/u/cPpLHpqKX ] Thanks, Nathan -------- Nathan Tallman Digital Preservation Librarian Product Owner, Digital Collection Repositories Penn State University Libraries (814) 865-0860 [ mailto:[log in to unmask] | [log in to unmask] ] ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit ndsa.org/ndsa-all