At the last Code4Lib Conference, Christina Harlow of Stanford led a "Spark in the Dark" breakout on "big data" processing. One outcome of that breakout was the realization that it seemed like a good time to have an in-person multi-day meeting on that topic. I am pleased to announce that I convinced my employer, OCLC, to sponsor a two-day conference in Dublin, Ohio on this topic. If you work with, or are interested in working with, technologies like Apache Spark, Hadoop, notebooks, and more, you should consider coming to this conference. What will happen over the two days will be collaboratively planned in the Code4Lib "Spark in the Dark" Slack channel. See instructions at the bottom of this page for connecting: if you wish to participate in the planning. OCLC will provide lunch and break catering and a welcoming reception on Thursday evening. Registration will be $45 for early bird through the 29th June 2018 and $60 thereafter. More information and registration is here: Roy Tennant Senior Program Officer OCLC Research 707-287-5580