_/_/_/_/_/ There are two outstanding web courses to choose from: - Project Management for Success <http://www.ala.org/lita/project-management-success-repeat> - Contextual Inquiry: Using Ethnographic Research to Impact your Library UX <http://www.ala.org/lita/contextual-inquiry-using-ethnographic-research-impact-your-library-ux-repeat> *Both are blended format web courses* They will be delivered as separate live webinar lectures, one per week. You do not have to attend the live lectures in order to participate. The webinars are recorded for later viewing. Register here, courses are listed by date and you need to log in <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=oloc&Template=/Conference/ConferenceList.cfm&ConferenceTypeCode=L> . Project Management for Success <http://www.ala.org/lita/project-management-success-repeat> Instructor: Gina Minks, Principal, Gina Minks Consulting, LLC June 12 – July 3, 2018 A solid background in the fundamentals of project management will increase the success of any project. This course presents the basics of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) with practical experience to provide the individual with the tools to create a successful project plan. The course is structured as a lecture with hands on components throughout the class with an emphasis on the use of open source technology to manage the project. Class includes a basic introduction to both Trello and Asana. View Details <http://www.ala.org/lita/project-management-success-repeat> and Register here <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=oloc&Template=/Conference/ConferenceList.cfm&ConferenceTypeCode=L> . Contextual Inquiry: Using Ethnographic Research to Impact your Library UX <http://www.ala.org/lita/contextual-inquiry-using-ethnographic-research-impact-your-library-ux-repeat> Instructors: Rachel Vacek, Head of Design & Discovery, University of Michigan Library; and Deirdre Costello, Director, UX Research, EBSCO Information Services June 20 – July 26, 2018 This LITA web course explores the contextual inquiry research methodology to better understand the intents and motivations behind user behavior. The approach involves in-depth, participant-led sessions where users take on the role of educator, teaching the researcher by walking them through tasks in the physical environment in which they typically perform them. In this session, learn what’s needed to conduct a Contextual Inquiry and how to analyze the ethnographic data once collected. View details <http://www.ala.org/lita/contextual-inquiry-using-ethnographic-research-impact-your-library-ux-repeat> and Register here <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=oloc&Template=/Conference/ConferenceList.cfm&ConferenceTypeCode=L> . Look here for additional LITA continuing education offerings <http://www.ala.org/lita/learning/online> *Questions or Comments?* Contact LITA at (312) 280-4268 or Mark Beatty, [log in to unmask] _/_/_/_/_/ -- Ally Williams, M.Ed. Instructional Designer "Learning is the residue of experience" ~Dan Willingham "When students learn for the sake of creating rather than for the sake of passing a test, they can achieve a deeper understanding of the content." ~Nicole Krueger, Unleashing Every Genius, Empowered Learner (ISTE) April 2018 <https://www.iste.org/explore/articleDetail?articleid=2159> Frontier Nursing University Email: [log in to unmask] Apple Teacher Certified Google Educator, Level One and Two