We are delighted to share the CFP for Archiving 2019, of which DLF is pleased to be a Cooperating Society!


Archiving 2019: Digitization Preservation, and Access

14-17 May, 2019

Lisbon, Portugal


Join an international community of technical experts, managers, practitioners, and academics from cultural heritage institutions, universities, and commercial enterprises, to explore and discuss the digitization, preservation and access of 2D, 3D, and AV materials.


More information about topics and how to submit can be found at http://www.imaging.org/site/IST/Conferences/Archiving/Archiving_2019/IST/Conferences/Archiving/Archiving_Home.aspx?hkey=54bdc838-33f7-4874-aaef-3ccbf6b27461  


Aliya Reich

Program Assistant for Conferences and Events
The Digital Library Federation

1707 L Street NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20036


diglib.org | clir.org


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