

If you’re interested in sharing effective practices and advance the thinking around emerging technologies in museums, please consider the following opportunity.

DLF is currently accepting applications for its GLAM Cross-Pollinator Registration Awards, which send DLF affiliates to its partner organizations’ annual meetings in the GLAM fields. Awards cover the cost of conference registration, and the first deadline is coming up on September 14th, for the Museum Computer Network conference.

The theme at MCN this year is Humanizing the Digital; investigating how museums can use technology to foster human connection and dialogue, advance accessibility and inclusion, and champion inquiry and knowledge. It will take place from November 13-16, 2018 in Denver.

Applications are also being accepted for Registration Awards to support attendance of VRA and AIC in 2019; deadlines for those are posted as well. Full details about all three awards are available on our site<>. Anyone affiliated with a DLF member organization<> may apply!

Please share with anyone who may be interested.

Becca Quon
Program Associate for Advancement & Awards
Digital Library Federation (DLF)<> |<> | @CLIRDLF<> |she/her/hers


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