Hello again,

Pardon the second email, but I made a grievous oversight when I neglected to acknowledge the excellent support we received from Katherine Kim at DLF. It was an unintentional oversight and while I’m glad that I avoided a call-out, I am deeply embarrassed to have committed the error in the first place. 

Katherine provided copy editing and format expertise, which enhanced the readability and presentation of the information. 

Thank you, Katherine, for all the support and labor you have given to this effort and to the Working Group at large!


Sent from the road. 

On Oct 4, 2018, at 12:12, Shorish, Yasmeen L - shorisyl <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear DLF community,


In advance of the DLF Forum, we are very happy to announce that the Professional Research Ethics subgroup of the Technologies of Surveillance Working Group has produced an Ethics Explainer and Glossary document, available at https://osf.io/xfkz6/.


This group, led by Dorothea Salo, recognized the need for a framing document for those doing research in/on libraries and with library-produced data. We expect this document will provide guidance and information for a variety of individuals interested in using library-produced data for research and/or program improvement.


Please share widely with your colleagues and join us in thanking the authors of this document, as well as those who have been involved in the Working Group!


Yasmeen & Shea

DLF Technologies of Surveillance Working Group



Yasmeen Shorish | Data Services Coordinator

Associate Professor | Assistant Director of Research & Education Services

JMU Libraries | Rose 2309

[log in to unmask] | 540-568-4288

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rcid_16x16 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4155-8241


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