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I would like to invite you to join SurvDH,<> a community of scholars dedicated to exploring the relationship between surveillance and the humanities.

There are three ways to interact with our community:


Send us a short blog post analyzing the role of surveillance in our culture. Posts should be between 300-900 words and should engage with theories and themes pertaining to critical digital scholarship. See our submissions page<> for more details.


Tell us about opportunities for survdh scholars! Email us with CFPs, job announcements, funding opportunities, tutorials, and more. See our submissions page<> for more details.


Use<> to comment on our posts and to engage in dialogue with members of our community.

You can also follow us on Twitter (@SurvDH)<> or register for our class “Surveillance & the Critical Digital Humanities” at DHSI<>.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

Christina Boyles
Assistant Professor of Culturally-engaged Digital Humanities
Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Michigan State University
[log in to unmask] | 517-884-7719

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