

Hello NDSA S&P folks,

As we gear up for Digital Preservation 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada we've been discussing what we want to do during our Working Lunch:

NDSA S&P Digital Preservation 2018 Working Lunch
Thursday October 18, 2018 11:45am - 1:00pm
Molise 1

On the last two or three calls we've been discussing holding a Standards Roundup that will "focus on charting the many standards that make up the complex landscape of digital libraries, archives, repositories and other preservation organizations."

You can find some of our brainstorming here:

Now that #DigiPres18 is just around the corner, I'd like to schedule a call for folks that would be interested in helping to facilitate the lunch:

Please feel free to add your name to the poll, and as a time emerges over the next few days I'll send out a meeting invite. You're welcome to join us whether this is the first time you're hearing of it, or if you've been chipping in all along. If you can't make the call on such short notice, you can also add comments to the brainstorming document above - which would be a great help!

