
There is still time to vote! All the information concerning the candidates is below. Each organization/institution has one vote. Monday Dec 17th is  the deadline.

Please also review the contact(s) for your institution as it is vital to communications like these.

Happy Holidays!

Robin Ruggaber (on behalf of NDSA CC)

University of Virginia  Library


The NDSA Coordinating Committee elections are well underway with four candidates: Stephen Abrams, Salwa Ismail, Linda Tadic, and Paige Walker. Their bios and the candidate announcement can be found here: 


Between now and December 17, NDSA members will have an opportunity to affirm and endorse two candidates by vote. (One vote per member organization!) If your organization is an NDSA member institution, your institutional contact should have received an email with instructions on how to cast your vote.


If you are the institutional contact and have not received an email or if you would like to enquire about your organization’s contact, please let us know at [log in to unmask]


All best wishes,





Katherine S Kim

Assistant Director

Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR

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