The Best Practice Exchange Conference as been taking place for over 10 years. Over the years, conference attendees have requested a forum in which to discuss issues with each other. To this end, the Best Practices Exchange Google Group has been formed.
The Best Practices Exchange (BPE) Google Group is a place where you can ask questions, discuss, and share knowledge about the best practices and practical solutions for working with born-digital and digitized materials.
In the spirit of the BPE phrase - “What happens at BPE stays at BPE” - only members of this list can see the postings. To join in the conversation log into a Google account, navigate to the group home page, and click apply for membership or contact the owner and the manager.
To stay up to date on BPE Conference information, join the BPE announcement list at More information about the next and past conferences can be found on here:
The BPE Google Group and the BPE Announcement List are two separate things. You can be added to one or both of these depending on what type of interactions or information you are looking for. Join the Google group for an interactive environment, and join the announcement list to receive the latest information from the BPE Steering and Program committees.
If you have any questions, please contact Carol at [log in to unmask].
~ The BPE Steering and Planning Committee
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