

We are looking for a few more volunteers for the code4lib conference next week. Sign up here!

These are the areas where we still need the most help:

- Social reception volunteers - your job would be to direct attendees at the reception venue to the elevators, stairs, restrooms
- Fill 1 more MC slot
- Fill slots for Social networking - you'd be fielding and passing on questions from Twitter (#c4l19) and Slack (#general) to Slack (#c4l-micminders), and you can do this remotely
- Fill slots for Mic minders - passing the mic to the audience to ask questions, asking questions on behalf of remote attendees from Twitter (#c4l19) and Slack (#general or #c4l-micminders)
- Fill slots for Session timers - working with A/V to monitor the timer to make sure presentations are on schedule

Feel free to get in touch with me on Slack at kimpham or Twitter @tolloid.

Thanks - 

Kim Pham
Information Technologies Librarian, University of Denver