

*Share your story, knowledge, or research! *

The Public Knowledge Project <> invites proposals for
participation in the 7th PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conference
(PKP 2019). The conference is co-hosted by the Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona <> (UAB) and will take place on campus
in Cerdanyola
del Vallès, Spain (near Barcelona) from November 20-22, 2019, with a
pre-conference sprint November 18-19.

This year’s theme is “Reflections and Directions.” PKP 2019 seeks to
explore the continued growth of open access and our increased understanding
of open, community controlled infrastructure. In particular, we are seeking
proposals that celebrate lessons learned, successes achieved, and setbacks
encountered in our shared endeavours. Our program will feature panel
discussions, lightning talks, workshops, and conference sessions according
to the following three tracks: community, technology, and open access.

To learn more, and submit a proposal (500 word maximum), please visit our
please visit our conference website <>. The deadline
for proposals is May 24, 2019.


The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a not-for-profit, scholarly
initiative that develops free, open source software, provides services and
learning opportunities, and conducts research to improve the quality and
reach of scholarly publishing. PKP works closely with our community of
users, strategic partners, and other researchers, publishers, editors,
libraries, software developers, and service providers. Since 2007, our
bi-annual conference has brought together this community to discuss local
publishing activities and the latest in open access research. They also
provide an opportunity to learn and share innovative work related to open
source publishing technologies, including our flagship software, Open
Journal Systems (OJS).

Join us - and share your experiences - as we work together to make
knowledge public.


Your PKP 2019 Planning Committee

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<>: #pkpbcn19