Hi all,


The next Archivematica User Forum is today, May 2nd at 12pm EDT / 9am PDT. For this forum, we will be discussing the upgrade process, and sharing experience on the following topics:

·  How often do you upgrade?

·  Who is responsible for upgrades?

·  What is the time investment for upgrades?

The call-in information and agenda for the call, along with some background notes, is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cd1dZhWu6jwXCDXGMRMhvQ_7f5niQRUUtrIIV0qAaqg/edit#

As a reminder, the Archivematica User Forum takes place on the first Thursday of every other month and is an ongoing series of bi-monthly calls for active Archivematica users or stakeholders. These calls are entirely driven and run by the user community. The goal is to create a space for discussion that will enable practitioners to connect with one another and identify common denominators, issues, and roadblocks that affect users across different organizations.

For more information about the Archivematica User Forum including call-in details, please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xowR7G9u_5HmJFLcnQRp5rWiPfocmjQ7o-2T6QVkAu4 

We look forward to you joining us! 



Shira Peltzman, Digital Archivist



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