

Dear Colleagues,

The Scaling Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI)
<> program of work led by
Yale University and the Fostering a Community of Practice in Software
Preservation (FCoP) <>
(IMLS grant RE-95-17-0058-17) project led by CalPoly University, invite you
to REGISTER NOW for a FREE, full-day workshop on August 2, 2019, in
conjunction with the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting
<> that explores software preservation
and emulation in context entitled: Multi-threading Software Preservation.
This program is distinct but complementary to the Emulation in the Archives
workshop offered by our colleagues at the University of Virginia Libraries
in July 2019

With generous support from EaaSI funders, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, workshop registration is totally FREE
(including light breakfast, full lunch, and morning/afternoon coffee
breaks) and we are offering four scholarships to assist with the cost of
travel to Austin, Texas.


EaaSI and FCoP, both affiliated efforts of the Software Preservation
Network (SPN), are both focused on the scalability of software
preservation, emulation services and the integration of these practices
into in varying operational contexts. During this workshop, leaders and
participants from both projects will facilitate hands-on exercises with
attendees that both convey technical knowledge about emulation services and
encourage organizational reflection, policy development, and
capacity-building. EaaSI and FCoP facilitators will also provide real-world
examples of emulation in-use at their organizations. The workshop will
empower participants to envision ways that software preservation and
emulation impact their current and future work.

If you have any questions, please contact <jessica[at]educopia[dot]org>.

We hope to see you in August!

Your EaaSI/FCoP Workshop Faciliators,

Lauren Work (University of Virginia)

Cynde Moya (Living Computers: Museums + Labs)

Tracy Popp (University of Illinois)

Michael Olson (Stanford University)

Seth Anderson (Yale University)

Ethan Gates (Yale University)

Jessica Meyerson (Jessica Meyerson)
*Jessica Meyerson*
Research Program Officer | Educopia Institute <>
Software Preservation Network <>
The Maintainers <>

Working from Austin, TX
[log in to unmask] | 512-864-4575


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