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Relevant, up-to-date training on topics related to visual resources, delivered at locations throughout the country — and you can help!

The Visual Resources Association Foundation Regional Workshop Implementation Team works collaboratively to host workshops each year, report on each, and seek grant funding for the coming year. This workshop series reflects the VRAF mission to promote scholarship, research, education, and outreach in the fields of visual resources and image management and is generously sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

Now in its second year, the VRAF Regional Workshop Implementation Team seeks new members for the positions of Junior Workshop Liaison and Publicity Liaison. Joining the VRAF Regional Workshop Implementation Team offers career development over the course of three years, as you progress through the Workshop Liaison positions to Workshop Coordinator. Perfect for developing your skill set–including project management, communication, educational programming, and grant writing–and networking with visual resources professionals. The Publicity Liaison position is for one year, with an option to renew for a second. You’ll help us develop messaging and market each workshop to the fullest via listserv, email, and social media.

For full position descriptions, please see the VRAF website [https://vrafoundation.com/regional-workshops/regional-workshop-implementation-team/]. Please send resume or CV to the VRAF Regional Workshop Implementation Team, [log in to unmask], by July 10, 2019.


On behalf of the VRAF Board of Directors


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