You know the moment after you put a contact lens in wrong (or with a speck of dust on the inside, or after you’ve touched chili peppers) and it feels like you’ve just shot a pebble into your own eye? The whole
world kind of slows down while you stand there, knees buckling from the pain, clutching your face and squinting accusingly at the dummy in the mirror until you manage to extract it. And suddenly, everything’s fine again.
That’s exactly what it feels like to go back to work after a long weekend away. Don’t you think?
We’ve got just a few jobs to share this week:
View listings on
our site or by tracking #DLFjobs. If you have a position description
to share with the community, you can submit it quickly—for free, if you’re from a CLIR
Sponsor or DLF Member institution.
Have a good afternoon!
Becca Quon | she/her/hers
Program Officer
Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR)