We invite proposals related to open access, open education, and open data for OpenCon Philly 2019, to be held on Friday, November 1st at Temple University:
We welcome submissions from students, practitioners, affiliated and independent researchers, those working for nonprofits, in civic tech, K-12, public libraries, and other community members. Proposals with representative and inclusive speaker involvement will be favored by the committee.
Submissions are invited in the following lengths and formats:
30-minute or 60-minute presentation/panel: Traditional format, but with a premium on conversation. Rather than planning to present for the full amount of time, speakers should reserve at least 10-15 minutes for Q&A.
5-minute lightning talk: Lightning talks are meant to engage, inform, and energize the audience with reports of work in progress, new technologies and services, questions or provocations, and more. No more than 2 speakers are allowed per submission.
45-minute workshop: Hands-on training sessions on specific tools, techniques, workflows, or concepts related to open. All workshop organizers are asked to provide details on technology needs and learning outcomes for participants.
Proposals are due by midnight on July 26, 2019.
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