

Good afternoon colleagues,

The NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group will have a Zoom call, next Monday, August 12 at 9am PT / 12pm ET. This is earlier than our normal time to accommodate our panel and topic, please adjust any calendar appointments you may have. The Zoom connection is the same. Our topic will be, International Models for Collaborative Infrastructure.

Nicholas Taylor, Program Manager for LOCKSS and Web Archiving at Stanford University, will facilitate and has put together a fantastic panel of speakers. I’ll leave you with his abstract and list of panelist. Hope to see you on the call!

Abstract: Notwithstanding the "National" qualifier, NDSA has long been a forum for collaboration on digital stewardship with a broadly-conceived community of practice, including international institutions and practitioners. Infrastructure is no exception to this pattern. Cross-border collaboration on digital stewardship infrastructure is a logical fit given the value of geographic, organizational, and technical heterogeneity; beneficial network effects of broader stakeholder pools; and the efficiency and scalability of common solutions to shared problems. For this session, representatives from several initiatives will join to discuss international models for collaborative digital stewardship infrastructure.

Panelists: Carl Wilson (OPF), Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern University (Samvera), Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University (Public Knowledge Project), Lauren Ko, University of North Texas (OpenWayback), and Natasa Milic-Frayling, University of Nottingham (UNESCO PERSIST)

  *   The NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group meets the third Monday of each month at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. Monday, August 12 at 9am PT / 12pm ET
  *   Agendas and notes from meetings held in 2019 and can be bookmarked with this link:
  *   Meeting recordings are available on YouTube:
  *   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
     *   US: +1-646-876-9923 or +1-669-900-6833 or +1-408-740-3766
     *   Meeting ID: 745 482 656
     *   International numbers available:

Co-Chair, Infrastructure Interest Group

Nathan Tallman
Digital Preservation Librarian
Product Owner, Digital Collection Repositories
Penn State University Libraries
(814) 865-0860
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