

Last Thursday, someone used our Library Document Station to send something to a generic email address at Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo has an auto-responder for that email address, and it sent a message back. I have an auto-responder set up for the email address that our LDS sends from, and it sent a response to their auto-responder, to which it... auto-responded. They have been having that conversation since Thursday afternoon, to the tune of 6168 messages sent back and forth.

I discovered this about 8:30 this morning, and as much as it pained me to intervene in this budding, auto-responder romance, I finally put a stop to it. Myself and a sysadmin at Wells Fargo had a pretty good chuckle over it.

Python is fun.

Allen Seelye
Assistant Network Administrator
Missoula Public Library
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406 541 8867