

Good Morning,

I am pleased to announce that Eric Phetteplace has volunteered to step
forward as my co-coordinator for the CSV. I will now be facilitating a
confidential community vetting process to give individuals an opportunity
to express any concerns. Please submit any comments at no later than 11:59 PM EST on Friday, November
15th, 2019.

On a related note, I will be seeking community support volunteers for the
conference in the coming months. I strongly encourage folks planning to
attend this year's conference to consider volunteering some of their time
for these vital roles. Volunteering for this group is a great way to take
an active role in keeping our community safe and inclusive for everyone who
participates. Plus, the more volunteers we have, the easier it is to share
the load. Training will be provided, so no prior experience is necessary.
An official message will be sent both on the listserv and on Slack at a
later date with further information and a form to sign up.

Any questions regarding volunteering can be directed to me via Slack
@natasha or by responding directly to my email address.

Thank you,

Natasha Allen

*Natasha Allen *
Library Services Platform Specialist
319 Hatcher North
University of Michigan
