

Hi NDSA-Infrastructurers,

Just a reminder about our meeting on Monday...

Please join the NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group at 12pm PT / 3pm ET 
on Monday, December 16. Our December call features Julian Morley, 
Stanford University Libraries, presenting on his recent work on modeling 
digital preservation costs at Stanford; as well as Kate Dohe and David 
Durden, University of Maryland, presenting their Digital Preservation 
Cost Calculator.

After the featured topics, we’ll review the top ranked 2020 meeting 
topics and start planning out the 2020 calendar. If you haven’t 
submitted your own ideas or voted, please do so Also, please take a 
look at the IG web page, the Coordinating Committee is asking all groups 
to review their charges to be sure they accurately reflect scope and 
nature of the groups activity. 

  * The NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group meets the third Monday of
    each month at 12pm PT / 3pm ET.
  * The agenda and notes for the meeting can be found at

  * Meeting recordings are available on YouTube:
  * Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
      o US: +1-646-876-9923 or +1-669-900-6833 or +1-408-740-3766
      o Meeting ID: 745 482 656
      o International numbers available:



Leah Prescott | Associate Director for Digital Initiatives and Special 
Georgetown University Law Library | [log in to unmask]
111 G. Street, N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20001
Office: 202-662-4065