Happy 2020! Following are Standards and Practices IG updates to get us started for the year.

After serving as chair of Standards and Practices for some time, Aaron Collie has stepped down. Many thanks to him for his leadership and facilitation of Standards and Practices meetings and projects! I (Felicity Dykas) joined as a co-chair in 2019. Joining me as the new co-chair is Linda Reynolds. Linda is Director of the East Texas Research Center at the Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Aaron has assured us that he plans to stay involved with Standards and Practices.

Linda and I are planning our 2020 monthly meetings. In the past Standards and Practices met on the third Monday of the month. We will not meet on January 20 as that is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and some members may have that day as a holiday. Plus, we are changing our schedule and beginning in February we will meet on the second Monday of the month. The Infrastructure Interest Group meets on the third meeting of the month; having Standards and Practices on the same day made it a challenge for a person to attend both meetings.

So, our first meeting of 2020 will be on February 10 at noon Central time. Watch for details in February.

If you have ideas for topics and speakers for 2020, please let us know. Contact information:  
Felicity Dykas - [log in to unmask]
Linda Reynolds - [log in to unmask]

We are looking forward to continuing conversations with those who attended S&P meetings in 2019 and are looking forward to meeting new people in 2020!


Felicity Dykas

Head, Digital Services Department

MU Libraries

University of Missouri--Columbia

(573) 882-4656

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