*Webinar: PRONOM research week and forthcoming development for PRONOM and DROID* 23 January 15:00 GMT | 16:00 CET *Overview* This webinar will review November’s PRONOM <http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM/Default.aspx> research week, and will outline plans for the next version of PRONOM, as well as highlights from the imminent release of version 6.5 of the DROID <https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/manage-information/preserving-digital-records/droid/> file format identification utility. *Speakers* David Clipsham, The National Archives, UK Elizabeth Kata, The International Atomic Energy Agency *Date and Time* Thursday 23 January, 15:00 GMT | 16:00 CET. The webinar will last approximately 1 hour. *Registration* Remaining places are now open to the community. There are 100 places available on a first come, first served basis. OPF members will receive access to the recording afterwards. Register here <https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5015784128163/WN_Ur7PdegSQKetKsDfZhDNJw> . -- Becky McGuinness | Community Manager @openpreserve | Skype: becky.mcguinness1 *Open Preservation Foundation* *http://openpreservation.org/ <http://openpreservation.org/>* To find out more about becoming an OPF member visit: http://openpreservation.org/about/join/ ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit ndsa.org/ndsa-all