Greetings Colleagues! 💻📃CONTINUE TO DIRECT OUR WORK - CALL FOR COMMUNITY SOFTWARE STORIES📃💻 Submit your software stories here: by *Friday, Jan 31* Following an initial software prioritization survey in Summer 2019, we are currently requesting community software stories. The software stories you share will only be used to guide the EaaSI team in the creation of additional emulated computer environments for use in the public, open-source sandbox. NOTE: Your software stories can include proprietary and/or open-source software. If any of the software that has significance for you is proprietary, we will do our very best to find the closet open-source alternative to add to the sandbox. 1. List specific software titles or types that have been particularly significant in your personal and/or professional life. 2. What did/does this software do? 3. What is one or more reason that this software is/was significant to you? To check out the EaaSI Open Source Sandbox: The Scaling Emulation Service Infrastructure (EaaSI) program of work (Yale University, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) is developing a community-driven solution to support distributed management, sharing and access to legacy software environments. The EaaSI Open Source Software Sandbox provides free, public access to emulated computer environments featuring open-source operating systems and software. If you have questions for the project team, please contact the EaaSI Community Outreach Lead, Jessica Meyerson, at <jessica[at]educopia[dot]org>. To receive bi-monthly EaaSI updates via newsletter and share your software preservation successes/challenges, sign up for the Software Preservation Network mailing list by visiting Sincerest thanks for reading - we look forward to hearing from you! Friendly regards, Jessica (on behalf of the EaaSI Team) -- *Jessica Meyerson* Director for Research & Strategy | Educopia Institute <> Software Preservation Network <> The Maintainers <> Working from Austin, TX [log in to unmask] | 512-864-4575 ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit