

NDSA Creates the Communications, Outreach, and Publications Working Group

As part of our ongoing effort to be transparent and informative, the Leadership of the NDSA approved the creation of a new working group to assist with communications about NDSA activities with the NDSA membership and beyond.  We are looking for people to join in the effort!  

Group Purpose: To develop, enhance, and refine the communications strategy with the NDSA membership. 

Group Activities: The main expected activities of the group are listed below by public facing and operational categories.  

Public Facing


To complete this work we are looking for individuals from NDSA member organizations to join us.  Specific roles that are needed include::

Any interest can be expressed by completing the following form by the end of January 2020.  It is not expected that each individual will be doing all tasks - unless they choose to do so! Participating in NDSA in this manner is a great way to understand and interact with all of NDSA activities.  

Please consider joining the team!

Best Regards, 
Carol Kussmann
Co-Chair of the Communications, Outreach, and Publications Working Group


Carol Kussmann
Digital Preservation Analyst
Digital Preservation and Repository Technologies | University of Minnesota Libraries
499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612.626.0099
Email: [log in to unmask]

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