

Greetings Colleagues,

Welcome to 2020! 

We hope that you all enjoyed the winter holidays and a peaceful transition to the New Year.

As we look to the year ahead, we are thrilled to share a sampling of Software Preservation Network activities, accomplishments, and resources from 2019. Click here to read these highlights on our website, or continue reading below:

If you would like to explore the inputs and outputs of our work, you can join our public forum, subscribe to our newsletter, or check-in periodically on our website. We’d love to hear from you!

And don’t forget, the SPN Quarterly Community Forum is open to all and the next Forum is scheduled for March 2020. Join the list to receive call-in information.

Sincerest thanks for reading!

Yours in Software Preservation,

Jessica Meyerson

Jessica Meyerson
Director for Research & Strategy | Educopia Institute

Working from Austin, TX | 512-864-4575

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