Please join me in welcoming the three new 2020 elected Coordinating Committee members: Courtney Mumma, Daniel Noonan, and Nathan Tallman.


Courtney C. Mumma,is an archivist and a librarian. She is the Deputy Director of the Texas Digital Library consortium, a collective of university libraries working towards open, sustainable, and secure digital heritage and scholarly communications. She has over a decade of experience in open source software development and maintenance, infrastructure support and digital preservation good practice and education.


Daniel Noonan, Associate Professor/Digital Preservation Librarian at The Ohio State University, plays a key role in developing a trusted digital preservation ethos and infrastructure at The Ohio State University Libraries (OSUL). This position contributes strategy and expertise, and provides leadership through close collaboration with faculty, staff, and other leaders in OSUL’s Information Technology, Preservation & Reformatting, Special Collections & Archives, Archival Description and Access, and Publishing and Repository Services groups. Previously, he was OSUL’s Electronic Records/Digital Resources Archivist and Electronic Records Manager/Archivist. Simultaneously, Dan was an adjunct faculty member for Kent State University, teaching an archives foundations course. 


Nathan Tallman, Digital Preservation Librarian at Penn State University, coordinates policies, workflows and practices to ensure the long-term preservation and access of the University Libraries’ born-digital and born-analog collections. He advises on equipment, infrastructure, and vendors for Penn State digital content.  Nathan also helps manage access systems by coordinating local practices and support for digital collections. 


Members of the NDSA Coordinating Committee serve staggered terms. We thank our outgoing Coordinating Committee members, Carol Kussmann and Helel Tibbo, for their service and many contributions. We are also grateful to the very talented, qualified individuals who participated in this election.

To sustain a vibrant, robust community of practice, we rely on and deeply value the contributions of all members, including those who took part in voting.

Best wishes to all as we welcome Courtney, Dan, and Nathan to their new roles within NDSA!


~ Bradley J. Daigle, Chair NDSA Leadership Team


Carol Kussmann
Digital Preservation Analyst
Digital Preservation and Repository Technologies | University of Minnesota Libraries
499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612.626.0099
Email: [log in to unmask]

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