

Hi everyone,

This is a message from the Working Group co-conveners.

We want to first recognize the abnormality of this time, and we want to be sensitive to your capacities, workload, and health. Take care of yourselves first. If you need to step back or take a break from the work of this group, please do so. At the same time, for those who wish to opt-in, we hope we can serve as an anchor in this turbulence. Michelle and I will continue to be in touch with you via this listserv with updates. The following are a few things we want to let you know:


New Group Name

We have a new name for our group: The DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology Working Group (DLF PET). This new name allows us to clearly communicate the growing and evolving work of the group, while still maintaining a firm connection to the technologies of surveillance that started us off in 2017. This change is being reflected in the group’s OSF instance<> and Wiki page<>. Thanks to all who contributed feedback in our surveys earlier this year.

Working Group Webinar

We are planning a webinar for April 29, 2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern (a calendar invite will follow). Members of sub-groups will present the documents and resources that we’ve produced over the last few years, with an eye towards practical application to help improve privacy and resist surveillance. Since events are unfolding rapidly, we want to add this to your calendars, but we will also follow up with a final confirmation by April 15th.

Upcoming All-Group Calls and Subgroup Activities

In order to allow ample time for people to adapt to remote work and personal tasks, we will pause all-group calls and sub-group activities for the time being.

Guest-blogging opportunity

Erin Berman of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee's Privacy Subcommittee is seeking guest bloggers on  issues related to privacy and surveillance. Volunteers should reach out to Erin via email<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Resources and Solidarity

We wish to congratulate Eliza Bettinger, who, with her colleagues at Cornell University Libraries, have succeeded in passing a Resolution on Responsible Governance of Student Data<>. Eliza has generously agreed to present on this achievement and her process once we schedule and have another group call.

Dorothea Salo and Beck Yoose have created an online conversation space for topics related to COVID in the GLAM sector:

  *   Here's the Community Guidelines document:

  *   Here's a guide to get you oriented on Discord:

  *   Join at:


Scott Young and Michelle Gibeault, DLF PET Co-Conveners

Scott W. H. Young (he/him)
Associate Professor, UX & Assessment Librarian
Montana State University
Editor, Weave: Journal of Library User Experience<>
Co-Convener, DLF Technologies of Surveillance<>


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