

Dear all,

OPFCON <> celebrates 10 years of
the Open Preservation Foundation <> and we
invite you to join us to hear from our members, partners and the community.
The theme of this virtual conference is open sustainable digital
preservation and the selected contributions consider the following areas:


   Knowledge sharing, policy and best practice

   Innovation and technology

   Sustainability through community collaboration

Take a look at the draft agenda
to see our fantastic lineup of speakers.

OPFCON will take place over two days:


   Tuesday 9 June | 13:00 - 17:00 CEST

   Wednesday 10 June | 10:00 - 13:30 CEST


You can register for OPFCON here
<>. OPF
members benefit from free places (please use the code sent to the
members-only mailing list). There is a small charge for non-members.

OPFCON will be hosted on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a
confirmation email from both Universe and Zoom. The email from Zoom will
contain a link to give you access to OPFCON. Please note that the zoom
joining link is unique to you and should not be shared as only one user can
access the event per link.

A big thank you to our sponsors
for supporting this event!

* The National Archives, UK  *  Preservica  *  ExLibris  *  Dutch Digital
Heritage Network*

Kind regards,
Charlotte Armstrong | Project Officer | Open Preservation Foundation
Twitter: @openpreserve <> | Skype:


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