



The Digital Scholarship Section (DSS) of ACRL provides a forum for ACRL members engaged in exploring, adapting, and implementing emerging digital scholarship services. The Nominating Committee invites you to join the leadership of our vibrant and vital section! 


The Nominating Committee is currently accepting nominations (self-nominations are appropriate) for the following open officer positions for the 2021 ballot:



Please provide a brief statement (one paragraph) of interest in the office, including your current role and background in working in digital scholarship.  


Nominations close on Friday, August 21, 2020.  


For additional information about officer responsibilities, please see below. Please send nominations to the chair, Sherri Brown, and cc Miranda Marraccini.  


For more information, please contact Sherri. 


Thank you for considering!


Sherri Brown, DSS Nominating Committee Chair, [log in to unmask]

Miranda Marraccini, DSS Nominating Committee Member, [log in to unmask] 
Cal Murgu, DSS Nominating Committee Member, [log in to unmask] 


Officer Statement of Duties


DSS Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

  1. Serves as an officer of the section and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section in accordance with ACRL strategic directions and priorities. 
  2. As a voting member of the Executive Committee, attends meetings of the committee at Annual and Midwinter Conferences, including those at the Annual Conference immediately preceding the taking of office.
  3. Appoints a Nominating Committee that is responsible for producing a slate of candidates for section office. The DSS Past-Chair will serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and recommends members to the Vice-chair to appoint to the Committee. The section vice-chair may not be a member of the Nominating Committee (see ALA Bylaws, Article III, Section 1.a).
  4. If a program is planned, a Conference Program Planning Committee and chair should be appointed that is responsible for planning the section's program at the Annual Conference during year as chair. May serve as a member of the committee. 
  5. Makes appointments to all other section committees for terms beginning when term as chair begins. 
  6. Submits section's budget requests for year as chair by deadline. 
  7. Responds to inquiries from members and non-members regarding section interests and activities. 
  8. Vice-chair co-represents (with section chair) the section on the ACRL Communities of Practice Assembly. 
  9. Appoints co-chairs of ongoing and newly formed discussion groups. 
  10. Attends and participates in ACRL Communities of Practice Assembly sessions (usually held virtually before the ALA Midwinter and Annual Conferences).


Other duties include submitting section meeting room requests for ALA conferences, drafting and distributing executive committee agendas, and submitting the section’s annual Plan for Excellence Implementation Report to ACRL. 

Additionally, Vice-chair candidates are expected to represent the section at ACRL Leadership Council meetings, which take place in conjunction with ALA Conferences. They will continue to represent the section at leadership sessions at the Midwinter and Annual conferences during their term as vice-chair and chair.


DSS Member-at-Large

  1. Serves as an officer of the section and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section in accordance with ACRL strategic directions and priorities. 
  2. As a voting member of the Executive Committee, attends meetings of the committee at Annual and Midwinter Conferences, including those at the Annual Conference immediately preceding the taking of office. 
  3. Assists the chair with preparations for the DSS All Membership Meeting, as needed, at the Annual Conference. 
  4. Organizes, in consultation with the DSS chair, the DSS Dinner for Midwinter and Annual Conferences. 
  5. At the request of the chair, coordinates responses to ACRL activities, such as the Environmental Scan. 
  6. At the request of the chair or vice-chair, represents DSS leadership at meetings when the chair and vice-chair are unable to attend. 
  7. Assumes duties as delegated by the chair or vice-chair of DSS.


Tisch Library staff are working remotely because of COVID-19. Learn more about library services and support available at this time. I will conduct meetings and consultations on Zoom. You can reach me by phone at 617.627.2899 or via chat on Jabber from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.


Chelcie Juliet Rowell

Head of Digital Scholarship

Tisch Library, Tufts University

Book an appointment • [log in to unmask] • 617.627.2899 • @ararebit

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