Hello all- This is a FINAL REMINDER that the deadline for the new Virtual DLF Forum CFP is coming up on Monday, August 17 at 11:59pm ET. Please see our full announcement below. Our guiding focus for this year's Forum is building community while apart. In this spirit, all of our 2020 events will be free of charge, and submissions from BIPOC practitioners and those working at HBCUs and other BIPOC-centered institutions will be prioritized. Read the new CFP and submit a proposal here<https://forum2020.diglib.org/call-for-proposals/>. You can direct any questions to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. With many thanks, Aliya --- The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR<https://www.clir.org/>) and the Digital Library Federation (DLF<https://diglib.org/>) are thrilled to announce our new CFP for our virtual DLF Forum<https://forum2020.diglib.org/> this fall. We have a lot of exciting things planned and are excited to share the first steps with you. First, we’ve made some adjustments to the dates on which we’ll hold our events this fall. * The DLF Forum<https://forum2020.diglib.org/> will take place on Monday, November 9, and Tuesday, November 10. * Learn@DLF<https://forum2020.diglib.org/learndlf/> will be presented with the DLF Forum this year. (We expect it to return as a pre-conference workshop day in future years.) * NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2020<https://ndsa.org/conference/> will take place on Thursday, November 12. * CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium<https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections/2020-symposium/> is postponed to 2022, but all are invited to join for 5 for 5: Conversations on Five Years of Digitizing Hidden Collections<https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections/2020-conversations/>, a day of curated programming on Friday, November 13. Full info about the new VIRTUAL DLF Forum<https://forum2020.diglib.org/> CFP is here<https://forum2020.diglib.org/call-for-proposals>, but we can’t resist sharing some other details with you here: * Our guiding focus for this year’s Forum is building community while apart, chosen as a top priority by respondents to our recent DLF community survey. As one step to this end, all of our 2020 events will be free of charge, and resources will be made widely available after our events. Later this summer we’ll share information about how to register for our events. * While we welcome proposals from anyone with interesting work to share, this year the planning committee will prioritize submissions from BIPOC people and people working at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other BIPOC-centered libraries, archives, and museums, in alignment with our commitment to do more to ensure marginalized voices have better and more central representation. * Accepted presentations and panels will be delivered via pre-recorded video that will “go live” at specific times during the conference, and there will be some method for community discussion during “watch parties” as videos are posted. * Because of our virtual format and our emphasis on bringing our community together, we will be offering a greatly reduced number of sessions than we typically offer in our traditional in-person DLF Forum. To make space for as many voices as possible, individuals may present only once on the conference program. However, we will offer additional ways for community members to share content and resources whether conference proposals are accepted or not. More information and full details about the new VIRTUAL DLF Forum<https://forum2020.diglib.org/> CFP are here: https://forum2020.diglib.org/call-for-proposals If you submitted a proposal to the original CFP, you should have received an email from us already about next steps. If you did not receive an email, reach out at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. The deadline to submit to the new Forum CFP is Monday, August 17, at 11:59pm Eastern Time.<https://www.conftool.pro/dlf2020> If you have any questions, please write to us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Thanks, Aliya for Team CLIR/DLF P.S. Want to stay updated on all things #DLFforum? Subscribe to our Forum newsletter<http://clir.informz.net/clir/pages/DLFforumNews1> or follow us at @CLIRDLF<https://twitter.com/clirdlf> on Twitter. ----------- Aliya Reich | she/her/hers Program Manager for Conferences and Events 🦀 Based in Baltimore, MD Digital Library Federation (DLF)<https://www.diglib.org/> Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)<https://www.clir.org/> 2221 South Clark Street, Arlington, VA 22202 443-671-4212