

Dear Friends,
A colleague, Michael Conyers, is working on a Chapter regarding the Ethics of 3D scanning and data preservation that will be part of an ACRL publication (forthcoming 2021) and is looking for input on areas in need of exploration. In particular, he is looking for short quotations from the community regarding thoughts on growth areas or ethical gray areas related to 3D data creation (scanning, printing, digital colonialism, etc) and preservation (access, metadata, etc). Welcoming input from data creators, data curators, data users of various disciplines.
The prompt: Given your professional experience concerning Ethics,  what topics (one or two) related to 3D data creation and preservation do you see as the most in-need of ethical consideration?
Welcome any and all thoughts. If you know of others who could possible weigh in, please do forward to them.

If you'd like to be cited in this Chapter, let me know and I'll put yall in touch.
Thanks for considering.


Parks Library is open to the public and prioritizes the health and safety of all. In support of that, Digital Scholarship & Initiatives continues to work offsite to facilitate easier social-distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic. While remote, I will conduct meetings via Zoom or WebEx.

Hannah Scates Kettler (she, her, hers)
Head, Digital Scholarship & Initiatives

Iowa State Parks Library
701 Morrill Rd, Ames, IA 50011-2102
tel.: 515-294-8590

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