

The problem with working at CLIR is that there are just too many things to get lost in on a regular basis. I will click on something like the Digital Library of the Middle East <> to answer a quick question and suddenly it's 30 minutes later and while I learned some fascinating history about an astrolabe in the Shahre Farang collection<>, I still haven't written the Job Digest introduction. So, if you are looking for educational resources on the rich cultural history of the Middle East and North Africa, I highly recommend getting lost on the DLME<>. You won't regret it. Now to the latest jobs!

Coordinator of Digital Scholarship and Programs<>, Marquette University Libraries

Director of Resource Acquisition and Discovery Services<>, University of California, Santa Barbara

📌 Check out new listings at any time by going directly to the Job Board<> or by tracking #CLIRjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, they're easy to submit—and free if you’re from a CLIR Sponsor or DLF Member institution.

Erin O'Donnell
Outreach and Engagement Associate
Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR)<> |<>


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