The problem with working at CLIR is that there are just too many things to get lost in on a regular basis. I will click on something like the Digital Library of the Middle East to answer a quick question and suddenly it's 30 minutes later and while I learned some fascinating history about an astrolabe in the Shahre Farang collection, I still haven't written the Job Digest introduction. So, if you are looking for educational resources on the rich cultural history of the Middle East and North Africa, I highly recommend getting lost on the DLME. You won't regret it. Now to the latest jobs!


Coordinator of Digital Scholarship and Programs, Marquette University Libraries


Director of Resource Acquisition and Discovery Services, University of California, Santa Barbara


📌 Check out new listings at any time by going directly to the Job Board or by tracking #CLIRjobs. If you have a position description to share with the community, they're easy to submit—and free if you’re from a CLIR Sponsor or DLF Member institution.



Erin O'Donnell


Outreach and Engagement Associate

Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR) |


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