Hello fellow NDSA members: Later today your organization's listed membership contacts will be receiving an email for the 2020 annual Coordinating Committee member vote. Please be aware that this email will be coming from the official NDSA gmail account ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). As an ongoing project, we are working to clean up the membership contact list, so we hope that the majority of members will be reached. If your organization has undergone changes to your NDSA contacts and you would like to update us please do so here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL0tXzXPj1M-7rPpZH6enNfxEzsbsBgzHjp6cO1YriHiERmQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>. Sincerely, Dan Noonan, Vice Chair NDSA Coordinating Committee [The Ohio State University] Daniel W. Noonan Associate Professor Digital Preservation Librarian University Libraries | Digital Programs 320A 18th Avenue Library | 175 West 18th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 614.247.2425 Office [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> go.osu.edu/noonan<http://go.osu.edu/noonan> @DannyNoonan1962<https://twitter.com/DannyNoonan1962> [cid:[log in to unmask]]http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7021-4106 Pronouns: he/him/his ~ Honorific: Mr. Buckeyes consider the environment before printing. Campus Campaign Fund: 483229 Rare Books and Manuscripts fund for LGBTQ ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit ndsa.org/ndsa-all