Dear NDSA Community,
As you enjoy this long weekend take this time to consider “throwing your hat in the ring” to run for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s (NDSA) Coordinating Committee (CC) or to nominate another member!
There is still time to complete the nomination form by 11:00PM Monday, September 7, 2020, which asks for the name, e-mail address, brief (nominee-approved) bio/candidate statement, and NDSA-affiliated institution of the nominee. We particularly
encourage and welcome nominations of people from underrepresented groups and sectors.
We will be electing three members this year. CC members serve a three year term, participate in a monthly call, and meet face to face at the annual Digital Preservation Conference (this year to be held virtually). The Coordinating Committee
provides strategic leadership to the organization in coordination with working group co-chairs. NDSA is a diverse community with a critical mission, and we seek candidates to join the CC that bring a variety of cultures and orientations, skills, perspectives
and experiences, to bear on leadership initiatives. Working on the CC is an opportunity to contribute your leadership for the community as a whole, while collaborating with a wonderful group of dynamic and motivated professionals.
As members of the NDSA, we join together to form a consortium of more than 250 partnering organizations, including businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, professional associations and universities, all engaged in the
long-term preservation of digital information. Committed to preserving access to our national digital heritage, we each offer our diverse skills, perspectives, experiences, cultures and orientations to achieve what we could not do alone.
The CC is dedicated to ensuring a strategic direction for NDSA, to the advancement of NDSA activities to achieve community goals, and to further communication among digital preservation professionals and NDSA member organizations. The CC
is responsible for reviewing and approving NDSA membership applications and publications; updating eligibility standards for membership in the alliance, and other strategic documents; engaging with stakeholders in the community; and working to enroll new members
committed to our core mission. Additional information about the CC can be found below. More information about the duties and responsibilities of CC members can be found at the NDSA’s Leadership Page.
We hope you will give this opportunity serious consideration, and we value your continued contributions and leadership in our community.
Any questions can be directed to
[log in to unmask].
Thank you,
Dan Noonan, Vice Chair, NDSA Coordinating Committee
[log in to unmask]" alt="The Ohio State University">
Daniel W. Noonan
Associate Professor
Digital Preservation Librarian
University Libraries |
Digital Programs
320A 18th Avenue Library |
175 West
18th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210
614.247.2425 Office
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]" alt="cid:[log in to unmask]">
Pronouns: he/him/his ~ Honorific: Mr.
Buckeyes consider the environment before printing.
Campus Campaign Fund: 483229 Rare Books and Manuscripts fund for LGBTQ
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