
The Beyond the Repository Curatorial Toolkit team is excited to announce the publication of the distributed digital preservation toolkit. The toolkit was created in 2019-2020 as part of “Beyond the Repository,” an IMLS-funded National Digital Platform Grant (LG-70-18-0168-18) and is now available via OSF for use and adaptation.

The toolkit was created to assist cultural heritage organizations of all sizes select materials to send to distributed digital preservation systems. It was informed by Beyond the Repository research and surveys, as well as community calls and workshops, toolkit team research and experience at large and small institutions, and previous work done in the digital preservation and digital stewardship communities. The toolkit focuses on strategy, radical collaboration, resources, and tools to help digital preservation stewards move forward in their digital preservation programs toward distributed digital preservation practice.

Users are encouraged to submit feedback to improve the toolkit as they use it in their own practice. Have a suggestion or comment about Version 1 of the toolkit? Submit it using this form: https://forms.gle/NdiureavYrttNHSY7

Feedback and updates to the toolkit will be reviewed and stewarded by toolkit authors and the NDSA (https://ndsa.org/).

Thank you,

Lauren Work 

On behalf of the toolkit team: Laura Alagna, Corey Davis, Erin Gilchrist, Cinda May, Nance McGovern, Laurie Lee Moses


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