Information Technology and Libraries <> (ITAL), the quarterly open-access journal published by ALA’s Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures division, is looking for contributions to its regular “Public Libraries Leading the Way” column. This column highlights a technology-based innovation or approach to problem solving from a public library perspective. See for a list of columns published in this series. Topics we are interested in include the following, but proposals on any other technology topic are welcome. - Virtual community engagement - Virtual education and learning - Technology to enable contactless service - Civic technology - Drones - Technology that expands diversity, equity, and inclusion - Privacy and cyber-security - Virtual and augmented reality - Artificial intelligence - Big data - Internet of things - Robotics - 3-D printing and makerspaces - Geographic information systems and mapping - Materials handling automation - Self-service technology - Library analytics and data-driven services - Anything else related to public libraries and innovations in technology To propose a topic, use this three-question form <>, which will ask you for: - Your email address - Your name - A brief (75-150 word) summary of your proposed column that describes your library, the technology you wish to write about and your experience with it. Columns are in the 1,000-1,500 word range and may include illustrations. These will not be research articles, but are meant to share practical experience with technology development or uses within the library. Proposals are due by January 4, 2021, and selections will be made by January 15. If you have questions, contact Ken Varnum, Editor, at [log in to unmask] Ken Varnum, Editor *Information Technology and Libraries <>*