

Eighth Annual Code4Lib BC Unconference 2021

Thursday, 18 February and Friday, 19 February

Registration is now open<> for Code4Lib BC 2021!

Code4Lib BC is different this year. Obviously we won't be seeing each other in person. Nobody needs to organize hotels or transportation. And probably many of us have conference-zoom fatigue. So we're going to focus on the basics: get in your comfy clothes at home and share your awesome library ideas with like-minded folks.

What's it all about?

It's a 2-day unconference - a participant-driven meeting bringing together a diverse and open community of library developers and non-developers engaging in effective, collaborative problem-solving through technology regardless of their department or background.

This year's event will feature lightning talks and breakout sessions. Lightning talks are brief, 10-minute presentations on topics related to library technologies. Breakout sessions are an opportunity to bring participants together in an ad hoc fashion for a short, yet sustained period of problem solving, software development and fun. Sadly (or gladly), all of the coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided by your kitchen. Whether you're just getting your library-IT feet wet or if you're a grizzled, salty dog, Code4Lib BC is a great opportunity to share with the community!
*         What's included: online platform and bubbling ideas.
*         What's NOT included: a conference room, uncomfortable chairs, a laptop, food, your ideas and enthusiasm.
*         What to bring: a comfy chair or couch, a laptop, food, your ideas and enthusiasm.
*         Hashtag: #c4lbc<>
*         Code of Conduct: As a Code4Lib event, we adhere to the Code4Lib Code of Conduct<>, which seeks to provide a welcoming, harassment-free environment.
Lightning Talk and Breakout Session Ideas

Is there a neat project you've been working on, a cool new tool you want to show off, or an interesting development in the world of library technology that you want to discuss? Share your ideas in our Lightning Talks.
*         See what was submitted last time.<>