

If it were me, I’d write a script that fills an S3 bucket with HTML files containing

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="time; URL=new_url" />

...and nice body content that points users to handle destination. Then throw a CloudFront distribution in front of it, change the DNS, and call it a day. You’ll spend a couple bucks a month for storage and bandwidth, but the ultimate control stays with the institution.

On Mar 1, 2021, 5:19 PM -0500, Stuart A. Yeates <[log in to unmask]>, wrote:
> My institution has used handles for more than a decade and would like
> to stop (non-standard ports, special server, etc), particularly as
> we're now committed to DOIs.
> However, we don't want to break URLs.
> Does anyone know of a third party service that we can hand a list of
> handle-to-URL-mappings and walk away? Preferably with a single upfront
> payment rather than on-going cost.
> cheers
> stuart
> --
> ...let us be heard from red core to black sky