

See below for details on an upcoming call (open to all) on Wiki* projects in art libraries, which will feature lightning talks on Wikidata projects including several in museum libraries:


From: Macken, Megan <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 5:20 PM
To: ARLIS/NA List <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Wildenhaus, Karly <[log in to unmask]>; Macken, Megan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Wiki* projects in Art Libraries - Digital Humanities SIG Meeting - April 26 3pm ET


ARLIS/NA Digital Humanities SIG Business Meeting

Date: Monday, April 26

Time: 3:00pm ET / 2:00pm CT / 1:00pm MT / 12:00pm PT (find your time zone)

RSVP for Business Meeting (required for Zoom link):

Register for related conference workshop:


This year’s ARLIS/NA Digital Humanities Special Interest Group (DH-SIG) Business Meeting will focus on Wiki* projects—including Wikidata, Wikibase, Wikipedia, and Wikimedia Commons—in the context of art and architecture libraries.


The first half hour of the business meeting will feature lightning talks by five ARLIS/NA members. Each will briefly touch on an aspect of the Wikidata projects underway at their respective institutions. The lightning talks will be followed by a half-hour of open discussion.


We hope to hear from attendees about how they’re currently using Wiki* platforms and/or ideas they have for future projects while considering ways the DH-SIG could help foster a community for ARLIS/NA members working on Wiki* projects.


Attendees may also be interested in the related workshop hosted by the DH-SIG at the annual conference, “Wikidata for Art Librarians,” scheduled for Monday, May 10, 2:30–4:30pm ET. You can add-on the workshop when registering for the conference at:


Questions? Please contact Megan Macken at [log in to unmask] or Karly Wildenhaus at [log in to unmask]. Looking forward to seeing you there!



[log in to unmask]">



she/her/hers, Assistant Professor, University Libraries

405.744.9773[log in to unmask]

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