

Dear all,

Registration for the ICTeSSH 2021 three-day online conference is open. 
The virtual conference will be FREE TO ATTEND thanks to the conference 
sponsors and will be held on June 28 - 30, 2021. The conference 
organizers are happy to welcome anyone interested in Information 
Communication Technologies enhanced Social Science and Humanities. The 
conference will bring together SSH researchers, computer scientists, 
informaticians, publishers, librarians, vendors of research ICT tools, 
SSH decision makers and others. There are a few reasons why you should 
take into consideration to participate in this conference:
- 4 highly-cited keynote speakers (,
- the attractive topic and nice program with 25 papers presentations and 
a panel discussion (,
- 3 workshops (,
- an ICT quiz with 500 euros prize award for the winner,
- respectful sponsors,
- free to attend.

In order to register yourself for the conference, please visit the 
registration page and follow the instructions:

Although we have 200+ registered participants at the moment 
(, your help in 
dissemination of call for registration is welcome. Please, circulate the 
message above through your network and like/retweet the post available 


Dragan Ivanovic

the conference chair


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