The NC State University Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Discovery Systems Manager in the Digital Library Initiatives (DLI) department. DLI, with eight librarians and seven technical staff, plus student assistants, applies systems analysis, design, and service and software development skills to the creation and improvement of a broad range of library products and services. The department has produced a number of unique, widely used, open source systems to improve service to library users, including the Suma space assessment toolkit, the QuickSearch bento-box-style, single-search system, and the Circa request management system for archives. The department maintains and is currently developing new initiatives in areas including the discovery and delivery of library services and resources, research infrastructure support, digital collections, high-technology spaces, researcher profiles and identifiers, machine learning, and assessment and analytics. DLI maintains a culture of collaboration, with a focus on supporting everyone’s professional growth, providing opportunities for mentorship, and welcoming diverse perspectives. The Discovery Systems Manager leads a team that advances library services through application development and oversees and manages the entire lifecycle of projects, from requirements gathering to deployment. Responsibilities: Manages a team of four application developers and one support specialist that develops and supports the core systems that provide access to the NC State University Libraries’ print and electronic resources. These include SirsiDynix Symphony, ILLiad, the Blacklight catalog, EZproxy, and the CORAL electronic resources management system, as well as other open source and locally developed applications that promote resource discovery and delivery, support use of Libraries’ spaces, and improve staff workflows. The Discovery Systems Manager collaborates with Libraries and consortial stakeholders to identify needs and prioritize development of solutions, and works with the team to ensure the stability of core systems. The incumbent is expected to maintain awareness of developing tools for discovery and delivery. This position serves on library-wide committees and teams. Librarians are expected to be active professionally and to contribute to developments in the field. Review of applications is underway; position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. The Libraries will be flexible during this time and will conduct most or all of this search remotely. See vacancy announcement with application instructions at AA/OEO. NC State welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation or genetic information. For ADA accommodations, please call (919) 515-3148. ---- Brought to you by code4lib jobs: