Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered to serve on the Code4Lib 2022 Conference Committees<>! As of today, only the Website Working Group roster is full. We still need help in the following areas that are crucial to fill now, rather than later, in the conference planning process. In general, there is a dearth of volunteers for the leadership roles on the committees, while other committees have zero volunteers so far. Budget and Sponsorship Committee Right now, we still have only our LPC contact listed on this committee. Keynote Committee Right now, we have only one volunteer besides the LPC contact on this committee, so we still need a chair, co-chair, and documentarian for this committee. Pre-conference Committee Right now, we still have only our LPC contact listed on this committee. Program Committee We need a chair and a documentarian for this committee. Scholarship Committee Right now, we have only one volunteer besides the LPC contact on this committee, so we still need a chair, co-chair, and documentarian for this committee. I know we all serve on a LOT of committees as part of our work, but the more people on each committee, the less work it is for each person serving on that committee. Please contact me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, and I'll add you, or add yourself if you already have a Code4Lib wiki account. We are now hoping to get the committee rosters full by next Thursday, Sept. 30. Thanks very much! Karlen Chase (they preferred, she accepted) <Buffalo LPC chair> Scholarly Publishing Specialist University Libraries University at Buffalo