The community overwhelmingly voted for the May dates for Code4Lib 2022, so May it is! Here are the dates for travel planning purposes: Monday, May 23-Thursday, May 26, 2022. Now we need volunteers from the Code4Lib community to populate the Code4Lib 2022 Conference Sub-Committees<>. You can see that we have all the Buffalo LPC members assigned to most of the committees, but we need chairs, co-chairs, documentarians, and volunteers to fill out the rosters. Please contact me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, and I'll add you, or add yourself if you already have a Code4Lib wiki account. We are hoping to get the committee rosters full by next Thursday, Sept. 23. Thanks very much! Karlen Chase (they preferred, she accepted) <Buffalo LPC chair> Scholarly Publishing Specialist University Libraries University at Buffalo