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Date: Tuesday, January 25th @ 3pm EST

Agenda: Foreign and International CDL


(Registration closes on Monday January 24th @5pm EST)

Description: The CDLI community forums have continued to offer programming on the development of use cases, user stories, and technology reviews of CDL within a variety of library and consortial settings. Most of these talks have focused on U.S. implementation of CDL. For this January CDLI Forum we are going to examine CDL around the world! Join us as we hear from experts about the implementation, or potential implementation, of CDL under the policies and laws in other jurisdictions. The panelists will each discuss CDL through the lens of their work in the UK, Canada, India, including a view on CDL from the international library organization, IFLA.


Aishwarya Chaturvedi is an LL.M. from Cornell Law School with a concentration in intellectual property and corporate laws. She has three years of experience of practicing intellectual property law at the Supreme Court of India and High Court of Delhi. She is the author of the book "The Unheard Predicament: Social and Legal Perspective on Women and Child Rights in India.” She is the President of the NGO Nirman helping underprivileged children in India. She set up a learning center for preschool to K-8 level students.


David Prosser has been the Executive Director of Research Libraries UK, the representative body for the UK and Ireland’s leading research libraries since March 2010. Before moving to RLUK, he was, from 2002, the founding Director of SPARC Europe, an alliance of over 110 research-led university libraries from 14 European countries advocating new models of scholarly communication.  Previously, he spent ten years in STM journal publishing for both Oxford University Press and Elsevier Science. Before becoming a publisher, he received a PhD and BSc in Physics from Leeds University, UK.


Amanda Wakaruk is the Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Alberta, a large research university in Canada. In this role, she is responsible for developing copyright literacy programming to support more than 40,000 students and faculty across five campuses. She is dedicated to Open Education and is a lead contributor on a multi-year, grant-funded project to develop a comprehensive set of video-based OER copyright literacy instructional modules. Amanda is a member of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Copyright Committee and chairs its Crown Copyright Working Group. An advocate for Crown copyright reform, she co-edited the award-winning collection, Government Information in Canada (2019) and established a Canada-wide digital preservation network for government information. Her current research interests include the exploration of the impacts of copyright anxiety and chill. She and her partner were recently short-listed for a Hugo Award.


Christina de Castell is chief librarian & CEO at Vancouver Public Library, and has held roles bridging technology, collections, research and public service in her 20 year career as a librarian. She is passionate about the role of libraries in building communities and exploring ideas, and fascinated by the way that technology is changing how we learn and communicate. Christina is vice-chair of the copyright committee for the Canadian Federation of Library Associations and vice-chair of the IFLA North America Regional Division, and was a member of the IFLA Copyright & Other Legal Matters Advisory Committee from 2017-2021. In 2015, Christina represented libraries at UN forums as manager, policy and advocacy for the International Federation of Library Associations, and she continues to represent CFLA at WIPO. She is the co-author, with Paul Whitney, of eBooks in Public Libraries: An Evolving Landscape. (DeGruyter, 2017).




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