

Primary Research Group has published the Survey of Optimizing Use of Canvas
in Higher Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-021-5

This study presents data from a survey of 42 deans, department chair,
professors and IT and other staff in higher education, about how they use
and plan to use the learning management system Canvas.

Survey participants also give their opinion of what programs and
applications work best with Canvas.  They also evaluate the Canvas skills
of students and faculty separately and assess the usefulness of various
Canvas features including polling, analytics, grading, web conferencing,
collaborative workspaces, content integration features and much more.  For
each feature the study presents specific, detailed data on value of use,
creating a map of how various higher education constituencies are using

In open ended questions, survey participants comment on how their colleges
could better utilize Canvas and train the higher education in Canvas use.
The report also gives a broad range of satisfaction data, with Canvas
itself, and with the quality of tutorials and overall training offered in

Data is broken out by size and type of college, tuition level and other
variables, and also for professors, chairpersons, deans and college IT and
other staff.

Just a few of the study’s main findings are that:

• Deans were much more likely than others to feel that faculty was either
highly proficient or generally proficient in the use of Canvas.

• Respondents from community college and four year colleges were less
likely than those from doctoral or research institutions to feel that their
faculty were either highly or generally proficient in Canvas use.

• 42.86% of respondents felt that recording sessions in Canvas  was a very
valuable feature;  another 38.1% considered it valuable,

• Private college respondents were much more enthusiastic than public
college respondents about the use of Canvas analytics.

For a table of contents, list of participating institutions, the
questionnaire and an excerpt visit our website at: